Letter to a Friend

Dear friend,

We’ve known each other more than a decade. We’ve been very close, like family, all this time. You knew how much this means to me. You know how I feel raped by what happened. And now you’re part of it. Why? Why would you do this? The best that I can see is that you were thoughtless. But how could you be thoughtless about something so big? When someone you love is raped, does a person remain neutral to the rapist? Does a person go even a step farther and in the most public way possible support the rapist? A friend doesn’t do this. Family doesn’t do this. Only someone who has no care, no love, no thought for someone dear does this.

And now I feel utterly betrayed. The nightmares are back. The troubled sleep is back. The daylight illuminating my panic with no place to run are back. I trusted you, I forgave you countless times over the years, I believed in you. Now I know, finally, by your behavior, that the trust and the forgiveness and the belief stop. I must keep you at such a distance that you are gone from my life. I will miss the you I believed in. I will not miss the real you, the one that hurt me and tread on my soul and ran over my heart over and over and over again. I release you to yourself and stop holding you to the belief I had in you. May you go with God and learn life as you journey.